
ICCE 2009

ICCE 2009

30 Nov 2009 Published Public 23:54:56 America/Yakutat (UTC-09:00) The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
  • Start Time
    30 Nov 2009 23:54:56 America/Yakutat (UTC-09:00)
  • Finish Time
    04 Dec 2009 23:54:56 America/Yakutat (UTC-09:00)
  • Location
    The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Title of Speech:
What can computers do when they understand learning and instructional theories?

Title of Speech:
How I view learning and thinking in CSCL groups

Title of Speech:
Adaptive and personalized learning experience through mobile technologies

Nancy LAW
Hong Kong
Title of Speech:
Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: sustainable change through nested networks of learning and innovation

Yong Se KIM
South Korea
Title of Speech:
Personalized Learning Support for Creative Design Reasoning

Title of Speech:
Can a Classroom Operate as a Dynamic Creative System?

Title of Speech:
Research Issues of Web 2.0 on e-Learning

Gwo-Jen Hwang
Title of Speech:
Research Issues and Applications of Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning

Title of Speech:
Promoting Self-Regulated Learning Skills through Social Interactions in Agent-based Learning Environments

Title of Speech:
Technology Enhanced Learning in K12 Schools: The Experiences from Microsoft 'Partners in Learning