
Special Interest Groups

Guidelines for APSCE SIG activities


June 16, 2010
Rev. July , 2010
Rev. Nov 15 , 2011

SIG Guidelines (WORD)


This document provides a guideline of establishing a new SIG (Special Interest Group), dismissing an SIG, and running an SIG in APSCE (Asian-Pacific Society for Computers in Education). This will be effective from 1st of January, 2011.


  1. Guideline of establishing a new SIG and dismissing an SIG

    1. An SIG may be proposed by at least 5 Executive Committee Members of APSCE that include more than three different countries from the Asia-Pacific region.
    2. The SIG committee of the proposed SIG should include chair, vice-chairs, committee members, past activities, and future activities.
    3. If the SIG proposal can be approved by APSCE SIG Subcommittee, the President, and 2/3 of EC members, then the SIG can officially start the SIG activities.
    4. An SIG or SIG Committee may be dismissed when proposed by the APSCE SIG Sub-Committee and approved by the EC.

  2. Guideline of running an SIG

    1. An SIG is organized by one chair and one or two vice chairs, and at least 5 other committee members.
    2. Members of an SIG committee should be from more than three different countries from the Asia-Pacific region.
    3. The Chair and the Vice-Chairs of an SIG should be recommended by the SIG Committee members, and they should be approved by the APSCE SIG Subcommittee, the President, and 2/3 of EC members. The Chair and the Vice-Chairs of an SIG are announced in APSCE and ICCE web page.
    4. The term of the Chair of an SIG is two years. After expiration, the SIG Committee should recommend another researcher as a chair from Vice-Chairs.
    5. The SIG Chair should recommend four Program Committee (PC) Chairs, including one Executive PC Chair, of the related theme-based sub-conferences for each ICCE from the Asia-Pacific region. Besides the Executive PC Chair, the SIG chair should also recommend two PC chairs from outside Asia Pacific region, and one PC chair who is the succeeding Executive PC Chair (will be the Executive PC chair for the next ICCE). Also, except one PC Chair, other PC Chairs should be different in each year. These PC Chairs must be approved by the Program Coordination Committee Chairs and the President, who is also the Conference Chair of ICCE.
    6. SIG should be encouraged to propose workshops and tutorials at ICCE or some other related international conferences.
    7. The SIG should create and maintain its own web page to provide all information about the SIG. This web page should include the CFP of the sub-conference for ICCE and should be linked from/to the official websites of ICCE conferences and APSCE.
    8. An SIG should encourage doctoral students interested in their SIG to participate the Doctoral Student Program of ICCE. And they should support and give suggestions to the organizers of the Doctoral Student Program how to best benefit these students.
    9. No later than a month after each ICCE the Chair of an SIG must submit a summary report of the SIG's activities to the APSCE SIG Sub-Committee and the President for approval. This summary report should include summary of activities and their expenditures in the past year and the plan of activities and estimated costs for the next year as well as PC co-chairs candidates of the pertaining theme-based sub-conference for the forthcoming ICCE.