Submissions are accepted at any time
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning is a multidisciplinary refereed journal devoted to disseminating rigorous research on all aspects of the use of technology to enhance learning. The journal seeks to be a catalyst for multidisciplinary dialogue amongst researchers and practitioners worldwide in the fields of learning and cognition, education, and technology, with a view to improving practice and achieving real-world impact in technology enhanced learning.
The journal encourages research from theoretical perspectives, research reports of evidence-based practice as well as praxis research work that focuses on the interface between theory and practice and how each can support the other. In addition, the journal strongly encourages reports of research carried out within or involving countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Each article type published by Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning follows a specific format, as detailed in the corresponding instructions for authors. For the detailed information about preparing a manuscript for submission, criteria for publication and the online submission process, please see RPTEL’s website.