
APSCE Webinar #24: Shaping mobile learning futures for the common good

APSCE Webinar #24: Shaping mobile learning futures for the common good

04 Jul 2022 Published Public 08:30:00 Europe/London (UTC) Online

Speaker: Prof. Agnes KUKULSKA-HULME (The Open University, UK)
Moderator: Dr. Daner SUN (The Education University of Hong Kong)
Curated by: APSCE Classroom, Ubiquitous and Mobile Technology Enhanced Learning (CUMTEL) SIG

Date: 4 July 2022 (Monday)
Time: 08:30-09:30 (GMT+1)

Register before 2 July 2022: https://apsce.net/webinar

The field of mobile learning has been evolving and diversifying over the past quarter century. There are now many varieties of mobile learning across the world, in formal education, in educational ‘experiences’, and in daily life. Different research and innovation agendas are driving its development. I will consider some of the agendas that have been shaping the global-yet-local field of mobile learning. I will also suggest a range of possible mobile learning futures. In the recent rush to adopt mobile learning approaches in education as a consequence of the Covid pandemic, new opportunities have been created but far too many learners are left behind. Recent projects at The Open University, UK, are exploring the learning experiences of disadvantaged and marginalized learners and those in low-resource settings. As members of regional or global mobile learning communities, one important question we should be asking is whether, collectively, we might strive for more equitable future learning scenarios. Mobile learning is now so diverse that it will not have one single future, however we could perhaps agree on and promote some principles and values that will shape mobile learning research and practices, such that many more people can benefit from it in the future.


Agnes Kukulska-Hulme is Professor of Learning Technology and Communication in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK, and Past-President of the International Association for Mobile Learning. She leads the Learning Futures Research and Innovation Programme and the Innovating Pedagogy annual reports. Her work encompasses distance education, mobile learning, language learning, and education for migrants and refugees. In addition to well over 200 academic publications, she has authored policy and practice reports for UNESCO, British Council, Commonwealth of Learning, International Research Foundation for English Language Education and Cambridge University Press. Professor Kukulska-Hulme is on the Editorial Boards of several journals including the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. She is currently working on projects exploring access to mobile technologies and the role of English, in the UK and in several countries in Africa and Asia

  • Start Time
    04 Jul 2022 08:30:00 Europe/London (UTC)
  • Finish Time
    04 Jul 2022 09:30:00 Europe/London (UTC)
  • Location
The Open University
Daner Sun
The Education University of Hong Kong