Title of Speech:
Using the WWW as a Cognitive Tool in Higher Education
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Evolution of Complex Systems by Supporting Collaborating Communities of Practice
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Learner Know Thyself: Student Models to Give Learner Control and Responsibility
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Digital Libraries and Their Impact on Distance Learning: A European Perspective
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Development of Multimedia Web Environment for Distance Education Applications
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How Modern WWW Systems Support Teaching and Learning
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Virtual University: A New Generation of Net-Based Educational Systems
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Future Virtual Classrooms
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A Model for Designing Constructivist Learning Environments
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Toward Social Constructivism: Changing the Culture of Learning in Schools
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Authoring on the Fly A new way of integrating Telepresentation and Coursewareproduction
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The Information-Age Paradigm: "Interactive-Learning-Environments" for All, Including Those with Disabilities
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Multimedia for Understanding Statplay and Statistical Ideas
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The Race to Educate the World Multimedia in Higher Education