Speaker: Prof. H. Ulrich HOPPE, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Moderator: Dr. Brendan FLANAGAN, Kyoto University, Japan
Curated by Special Interest Group on Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining (LAEDM)
Date: 29 April 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 09:00-10:00 (CEST, or GMT+2)
FREE Registration (due 27 April):https://apsce.net/webinar
Abstract:The Webinar entitled “Beyond dashboards – Learning Analytics architectures, techniques and applications” will look behind the surface of Learning Analytics dashboards and elaborate on underlying system components, architectures, and analytics techniques for different types of applications. The primary focus will be on computer science aspects of Learning Analytics methods. The Webinar will also address recent discussions about algorithmic bias and the quest for explainability of AI-based mechanisms in a Learning Analytics context. The arguments will be illustrated with examples from recent project work, including a project on supporting small group work in large online courses.